Before-Scool 制度(せいど)

At Tojinkan school, we support foreign nationals residing in “passing the Certified Care Worker Examination”!



Support list サポート一覧

  1. ①Support the learning of “Jitsumusha kenshyuu”
  2. 実務者研修の受講サポート
  3. ②Supporting the use of the education and training benefit system
  4. 教育訓練給付金制度の利用サポート
  5. ③Use of learning centers on each campus
  6. 各キャンパスの学習センターの利用
  7. ④Gift of nursing care worker exam study materials
  8. 介護福祉士の試験対策教材プレゼント
  9. ⑤Free trial of exam preparation course
  10. 受験対策講座の無料体験
  11. ⑥Special discount system for exam preparation courses
  12. 受験対策講座の特別割引制度
  13. ⑦Application support for the National Examination for Care Workers
  14. 介護福祉士国家試験の受験申込サポート


①Support the learning of “Jitsumusha kenshyuu” 実務者研修の受講サポート

We will support you from applying to obtaining the “practitioner training” qualification required for the nursing care worker examination!


  • ・The study materials and assignments have furigana written on them to make them easier to read even for people who are not good at kanji.
  • 勉強に使う教材や課題には漢字が苦手なひとでも読みやすいように「ふりがな」がついています。
  • ・There are many choices regarding the school building, time of year, and day of the week where you will take classes. You can easily commute while working.
  • 授業を受ける校舎、時期、曜日には沢山の選択肢があります。働きながら無理なく通う事ができます。
  • ・If you miss a class due to an emergency, there are many classes you can take instead.
  • もし急用で授業を休んでも代わりに受けられる授業がたくさんあります。
  • ・You can study the assignments you study at home using your smartphone.
  • 自宅で勉強する課題はお持ちのスマートフォンで勉強できます。
  • ・If you have difficulty in studying or training, school staff will assist you.
  • 勉強や研修の進め方が難しい時は、学校の職員がお手伝いします。


②Supporting the use of the education and training benefit system 教育訓練給付金制度の利用サポート

  • ・People who are enrolled in employment insurance at their workplace may be able to take advantage of a system called “education and training benefits.”
  • 勤務先で雇用保険に加入している人は「教育訓練給付金」という制度を利用する事ができる可能性があります。
  • ・It is difficult to use the system alone, so we are here to support you in using the system.
  • 制度の利用は1人では難しいので、私たちが利用の為のサポートをします。
  • ・You can ask for individual situations and see if they are available.
  • お話を個別に聞いて、使えるかどうか確認ができます。
  • ・The interview (career consulting) that must be taken at Hello Work is available at our school.
  • ハローワークで受けなければならない面談(キャリアコンサルティング)を当校で受ける事ができます。※要予約
  • ・We can explain how to fill out the forms and what you need to bring with you when applying for use.
  • ハローワークに利用申請をする際の書類の書き方や、必要な持ち物の説明ができます。


③Use of learning centers on each campus 各キャンパスの学習センターの利用


  • 【Tokyo】東京都
  • ・Ikebukuro School (Ikebukuro Station West Exit, 3-minute walk)
  • 池袋校(池袋駅西口・徒歩3分)
  • ・Kitasenju School (5-minute walk from the exit of the station square at the west exit of Kitasenju Station)
  • 北千住校(北千住駅 西口駅前広場出口より徒歩5分)


  • 【Gunma】群馬県
  • ・Takasaki School (JR Takasaki Station East Exit, 5 min. walk)
  • 高崎校(JR高崎駅東口・徒歩5分)
  • ・Ota School (1 minute walk from Ota Station on the Tobu Isezaki Line)
  • 太田校(東武伊勢崎線 太田駅 徒歩1分)


  • 【Saitama】埼玉県
  • ・Omiya School (JR Omiya Station East Exit, 5 min. walk)
  • 大宮校(JR大宮駅東口・徒歩5分)
  • ・Kumagaya School (5-minute walk from JR Kumagaya Station North Exit)
  • 熊谷校(JR熊谷駅北口 徒歩5分)
  • ・Minamiurawa School (JR Minamiurawa Station East Exit, 1 minute walk)
  • 南浦和校(JR南浦和駅東口・徒歩1分)


  • 【Yokohama】横浜県
  • ・Yokohama School (Yokohama Station West Exit, 1 minute walk from South Exit 12 on the basement floor of Joynas)
  • 横浜校(横浜駅西口・ジョイナス地下1F南12番出口より徒歩1分)


④Gift of nursing care worker exam study materials 受験対策講座の無料体験介護福祉士の試験対策教材プレゼント

You will receive a free gift of one of the teaching materials used in our care worker preparation course



⑤Free trial of exam preparation course 受験対策講座の無料体験

Free trial of our care worker preparation course is available.



⑥Special discount system for exam preparation courses 受験対策講座の特別割引制度

You can take our care worker preparation course at a discounted rate.



⑦Application support for the National Examination for Care Workers 介護福祉士国家試験の受験申込サポート介護福祉士国家試験の受験申込サポート

Assists with applications for the care worker exam.


  • ・You will be notified by e-mail or phone when it is time to register for the exam, so there is no need to worry about forgetting to register.
  • 受験の申し込み時期になったらメールや電話でご案内するので、申し込みをし忘れる心配がありません。
  • ・The “Exam Guide” necessary to apply for the exam can be ordered from the school and given to you.
  • 受験の申込に必要な「受験の手引き」は当校で取り寄せた物をお渡しします。
  • ・We will support you in filling out the necessary documents for application and sending the application documents.
  • 申込に必要な書類の書き方から申込書類の送付までサポートします。